• Red Bali

    Red Bali kratom has always been one of the most popular varieties of red vein kratom. It’s best known for its ability to help people relax, fight anxiety, and alleviate pain. This strain is balanced and provides the full range of kratom effects.

  • Green Maeng Da

    Green Maeng Da is a very popular kratom strain used widely for its long-lasting, mood, and energy-boosting effects as well as its pain-killing properties. One of the strong points of the balanced nature of this strain is its ability to promote sociability. It’s nice and relaxing, like the more sedative strains, but with enough mental stimulation to facilitate deep conversation. 

  • White Elephant

    White Elephant is known to be especially uplifting and stimulating, and users claim that this strain is not nauseating like other stimulating strains. Some also claim it’s useful for reducing depression and stress levels.

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